Sunday, August 26, 2012

Chapter 13

A Judgmental, Critical, and Suspicious Mind
The text reads, "Much torment comes to people's lives because of judgmental attitudes, criticism, and suspicion. Multitudes of relationships are destroyed by these enemies."
This is so true. I can honestly say I am guilty of this and have been the majority of my life. These issues developed within me at an early age due to some things that happened in my life. After certain circumstances, I became judgmental, but mostly suspicious of everybody I came into contact with. I just knew something was behind them, whether it was that they were smiling in my face and would talk behind my back, get close to me and then leave, try to take advantage of me or whatever. I suspected everyone.
Matthew 7:1 KJV "Judge not, that ye be not judged.
I have been in relationships where the friendship ended or was about to end because either me or my friend were too judgmental, opinionated or critical about me or I was about them. I've experienced both. Joyce Meyer lets us know that "being judgmental, opinionated, and critical are three sure ways to see relationships dissolve." She also lets us know that "judgment and criticism are fruit of a deeper problem….pride.
I have to remind myself often to not judge others when I hear various things because I have flaws and am not perfect nor ever will be. God did not command us to judge, but to love. Romans 2:1 let us know that "judging brings condemnation". Joyce Meyer reminds us that a judgmental mind is an offshoot of a negative mind----thinking about what is wrong with an individual instead of what is right….Be positive and not negative.

 Audrey McCollum

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