Monday, August 20, 2012

Chapter 10 synopsis

As I was reading in chapter 10 I noticed and discovered that this really hit home. Parents or even those without children but can relate to this...How many times have you been riding along or your at home and your child ask you a question because they're "confused"about something you told them, and the 1 question they KEEP asking is WHY! And they ask over and over again! And when it's all said and done, your final answer to them asking why is because I SAID SO!!!
This is how we do God! It doesn't make sense at all, and we ask or second guess God! He'll tell us to do something that at First doesn't make sense, so we say God is this you, and WONT let up with asking Him over and over again. How many times has 1 of us been sitting in service and God will give us a person to go pray for and we'll say God they are just sitting there, they look ok, so we sit there. And later on in the service the Lord will let someone else pray for that person. Then in your mind you feel like you've let God down (I know I do). 1st Corinthians 14:33 says, For God is Not a God of confusion but of that tells me, God knows what he's doing, but we MUST BELIEVE! I am too guilty of asking God why, and then 2 or 3 weeks later, the light bulb in my mind goes off and I say if I would've done what God said do Long time ago I wouldn't have to go thru all this extra...don't second guess JUST DO IT!!!


1 comment:

  1. Great post Anthony! I think the majority of us have been there. I used to ask God "why" all the time. Years ago I heard someone say, "stop asking God "why". Just tell Him "thank you" that He even chose you." Every since then that has stuck with me. Anytime I think to ask God "why", I remember that saying and I change what I'm about to say or think. Sometimes it's hard, but I do it.
