Faith Is The Victory Church
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Monday, February 11, 2013
Monday, September 24, 2012
Chapter 20 Don’t make me wait for anything; I deserve everything immediately. Wilderness Mentality #5
Chapter 20
Don't make me wait for anything; I deserve everything immediately. Wilderness Mentality #5
Before reading this chapter, I considered myself a patient person. After reading this chapter, I had to ask myself do I "wait well"? While I am waiting what is my mentality? Am I being positive? Or am I thinking negative thoughts? Am I anxious? Am I operating in pride as I wait, thinking that I shouldn't have to wait or I don't deserve to wait?
From this chapter I found two main reasons why I don't wait well: pride and idealistic thinking. "Pride prevents patient waiting because the proud person thinks so highly of himself/herself that he/she believes he/she should never be inconvenienced in any way." I would have never thought that impatience is a result of being prideful. However it makes so much sense now after reading this chapter. A prideful person thinks he/she should not be inconvenienced in any way. Of course no one enjoys being inconvenienced; but, a humble person that has learned to wait well understands that any inconvenience is temporary and is an opportunity to develop more patience. Romans 8:28 says, ALL things work together for our good. This includes inconveniences. I need to change my perception and realize that any inconvenience I encounter is actually working for my good and helping me mature spiritually.
The second reason why I don't wait well is because of idealistic thinking. Joyce Meyer says, "If we get the idea in our heads that everything concerning us and our circumstances and relationships should always be perfect - no inconveniences, no hindrances, no unlovely people to deal with- then Satan is setting us up for a fall through wrong thinking." These are thoughts that I have had about my life for as long as I could remember. I would think and day dream of a life where I had no inconveniences or problems. In my imagination, I lived a perfect life, with a perfect family, perfect friends, perfect money, etc. It is this type of thinking that causes me to be easily frustrated and upset when things do not go the way that I anticipated or happen when I expected them to happen. But I have to realize that REAL life is full of inconveniences, problems, heartache, disappointment, etc. John 16:33 says, "In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer! For I have overcome the world." Jesus reminds us in the word that life is not going to be perfect, but we can rest in the fact that even in life's imperfect moments God still has us!
After reading this chapter, I know that I cannot afford to continue to operate in pride and idealistic thinking. I want to learn to wait well on the Lord. Waiting is an opportunity for me to learn, grow, and exercise humility. My daily prayer will be: "Lord, I want Your will in Your timing. I don't want to be ahead of You, nor do I want to be behind You. Help me, Father, to wait patiently on You!"
Mrs. Damonic Davis
Woman After God's Own Heart
Monday, September 10, 2012
Chapter 19 "I can't help it; I'm just addicted to grumbling, fault finding, and complaining." Wilderness Mentality #4
"I can't help it; I'm just addicted to grumbling, fault finding, and complaining." Wilderness Mentality #4
Until we learn to glorify God by our attitude during hard times, we won't get delivered. It is not suffering that glorifies God, but a godly ATTITUDE IN SUFFERING that pleases Him and brings glory to Him (Joyce Meyer). This is a powerful statement, worth spending time pondering over. Many times we focus on our present problems. We spend massive amounts of time trying to figure out why certain things are happening to us; why would God allow this to happen to me; why won't He do something about my situation; why won't He come though for me, after all He's coming through for everyone else. Sound familiar??????? It's so easy to grumble and complain when we are suffering. It's also easy to find fault in others. When we are going through, especially when we feel we are suffering unjustly, it's easy to find fault in others justifying why they should be suffering instead of us.
We are reminded in this chapter that our suffering will not be eliminated because it's uncomfortable. In fact, Joyce Meyer declares we will suffer as believers, but the way we please God is by maintaining and displaying a godly attitude. When we understand and believe that God has deemed us victorious, we can go through any test/trial patiently waiting on our Sovereign Father to deliver us.
A few years ago, I remember feeling like my finances were cursed. I was a faithful tithe and offering giver, but it seemed like every month there was something going on with my finances. I was so consumed with what was happening to me that I was oblivious to what God was trying to teach me. I complained about never having money to (get this) do things I wanted to do. I totally disregarded that all the bills were paid, gas was in the car, food in the fridge, etc. I began to notice how many other "non-tithers" always had money and didn't have a care in the world. It wasn't until I closed my mouth and changed my attitude that I was able to hear and see what God was doing. I read Romans 5:1-5 (NIV) and it helped me understand and accept what God was doing. It reads:
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, [2] through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. [3] Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; [4] perseverance, character; and character, hope. [5] And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
The Message Bible refers to perseverance as passionate patience. Now that's the character and attitude God was trying to produce in me during this time of suffering......PASSIONATE PATIENCE. The Message Bible goes on to help us understand that the character that God desires to produce in us during times of tribulation and suffering "keeps us alert for whatever God will do next." The thing I had to remind myself of was that if I am so focused on complaining, finding fault, and grumbling, there is no way that I can be alert, eagerly anticipating what God is going to do next. Grumbling, complaining, and fault finding are DISTRACTIONS of the enemy, designed to lessen our alertness and enhance our negative perception of things. We must not give in to these distractions!!!!!
Jesus is our perfect example. He never complained. He endured the cross and the shame. He suffered through the right way. Scripture encourages us: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (Phil 2:5). When my mind is positive, my actions will follow. I can go through the right way, but I must WANT to want to. My actions in times of suffering let others see how much I truly love God and desire to serve Him. My current situation should never promote actions that are ungodly.
Every day we have an opportunity to respond in godly ways or in negative ways. From this day forward, I choose to respond to EVERYTHING in a godly manner. I choose to develop a positive mind AT ALL TIMES. I will no longer grumble, find fault, or complain. I WILL NO LONGER HAVE A WILDERNESS MENTALITY. And it is Jesus' Name. Amen.
Co-Pastor Reniece
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Chapter 15 The Mind of Christ
WARNING! Children of God we are under attack. The devil knows his days are numbered and he is determined to see us ALL fall. Be vigilant and guard all the avenues of your Mind. Watch what you eat, see, and listen to. Pray ALWAYS, seek divine wisdom and don't fall victim to his cheap tricks, do not loose eternity for temporary pleasure. Though the devil promises heaven on earth with pleasure and fun... Do not be Fooled, Touch NOT- Taste Not-TRY NOT!!!
Sunday, Aug 26, being heated for I became angry at my spouse for having me miss service, upset Walgreens had lost my prescription... To return home from work Monday, Aug 27, to no power. MLGW had turned all OFF and dont get it wrong,the amount we gave was not enough, we do pay but had fallen behind that is all... Instantly before I could burst into tears I was led back to my assignment of chp 15:
Step 1: Think Positive Thoughts within this passage. Joyce Meyers went into Overcoming Depression: anything that hinders or weighs down on us. 1. Idenitfy the nature and cause of the problem. Psalm 143:3, 2. Recognize that depression steals life and light. Psalm 143:4, 3. Remember the GOOD times. Psalm 143:5, 4. Praise the Lord in the midst of the problem. Psalm 143:6, 5. Ask God for Help. Psalm 143:7, 6. Listen to the Lord. Psalm 143:8, 7. Pray for deliverance. Psalm 143:9, 8. Seek God's Wisdom, Knowledge, and Leadership. Psalm 143:10.
Joyce Meyer gave insight to go re-read Chp 5, Positive Mind produce Positive Lives: It shall be done for you as you have believed. Matthew 8:13: yes it too Blessed me AGAIN...
Step 2. Be God-Minded
Step 3. Be God-Loves-Me Minded
Step 4. Have an Exhortative Mind
Step 5. Develop a Thankful Mind.
Step 6. Be Word Minded. Yes after reading and Praying, I knew anything God brings to me, HE Will bring me through it! God can strengthen us to the point that we can make progress, even during trouble. The psalmist said of God, He make my feet like hinds feet [able to stand firmly or make progress on the dangerous height of testing and trouble]. You have girded me with strength for the battle Psalm 18:33... Trials and testing do not come to cause us to loose stabiliy. They are opporturnities to prove the strength of God. We don't have to waver in our confidence. Nothing will keep us from making progress because God is OUR STRENGTH Psalms 18:1-2...
Plan: Brilliant Execution DISCIPLINE {instructions, orderly pattern of behavior}... ACCOUNTABILITY {responsibility for actions encompassing the obligation to report and be answerable for the resulting consequence}... CONTROL{setting standards measuring performance and taking corrective action}.
I am and will always do BEST to be me, Rahshelia A. Springfield, mother of nine, wife of ONE, a worker for God, friend to man and greater love for those who care less about me. I wake every morning with Victory, so therefore I WILL ALWAYS GO THROUGH AS A CHAMPION.
Lord, I thank you for each victory and I shall forever PRAISE you for being by my side.